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Rehabilitation Gym

Our rehabilitation gym is specifically tailored to engage both your body and your mind by using state of the art machinery, and by employing the use of free-weights, kettle bells, and much more.


You may book a session with our Rehabilitation Therapist without seeing one of our practitioners. Depending on your wellness needs she may recommend seeing a chiropractor before or after time in our amazing gym. 


Below you may browse some of our wellness machines. 


InBody 520 

The Inbody520 is a non-invasive quick and accurate way to analyze your muscle mass, water weight, fat percentage, and daily caloric requirements. This information can greatly help your therapist or Doctor to better plan and evaluate your nutrition and wellness journey. 


TurboSonic X7 


"The science of sound." 

Developed by NASA to help strengthen astronauts in space, the whole body vibration is an experience that generates healthy tissues and a healthy body with very little effort. Ten minutes on the TurboSonic gives you the same workout as 1 hour of cardio at the g


This sophisticated whole body vibration machine increases blood and lymphatic circulation, targets specific muscles for strengthening, dissolves cellulite, and reduces joint and ligament stress.




LPG SpineForce Reactive Neuromuscular Trainer

The SpineForce Reactive Neuromuscular Trainer is designed to create a unique muscular performance environment that challenges the somatosensory system
improves mobility, balance, coordination, flexibility and posture while reducing the onset of chronic back pain, fatigue and stiffness.  

Conditioning the body from the inside out, SpineForce prevents the onset of debilitating structural conditions, visibly improving bone stature and physique.  SpineForce aids in the prevention of osteoporosis, simultaneously toning and firming the body for a firmer, slimmer figure.


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